
Friday 23 November 2012

Dry Prawn Kismur - A Goan delicacy

Talk of prawns and your mouth is sure to start watering if you're a sea food lover.
Here is another dish made from dry prawns. 
I am sure you have already tried making Konkani style dry prawns.
Now its time to make the Goan style "Dry Prawn Kismur" which is a savory accompaniment made from dry prawns, coconut, onion and some spices.
This side-dish is part of every fish meal in Goa.
Easy to make and tastes so delicious!
This side-dish also goes well with only rice and dal or with only Red Rice Konji.

Serves 3
Dry prawns - cleaned and head removed - 1 cup
Grated coconut - fresh/desiccated - 1/2 cup
Onion - 1- finely chopped
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Red Chilly powder - 1 tsp
Tamarind juice - 1 tbsp
Oil - 2 tsp
Green chilly - 1 - chopped  - to garnish

Clean the dry prawns by removing the head, and wash under running water.
Drain and allow to dry on a paper towel.
Take a heavy bottomed pan, keep on low heat, add oil and fry the dry prawns for about 2-3 minutes.
Remove and keep aside. After a few minutes they will cool and become crisp.
Now take a large bowl, add the coconut, salt, tamarind juice, turmeric powder, red chilly powder and mix well, preferably with your hand so as to blend all the ingredients well.
Just before serving add in the chopped onions and dry prawns and mix well. Add salt if required.
Garnish with chopped green chillies.

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