
Thursday 31 May 2012

Andhra Chilly Chicken

Andhra style Chilly Chicken....just thinking about this dish makes my mouth water.
The potential of the "Green Chilly" is fully realized in this recipe.
I know all my friends wherever they live in this world, if they have tasted this dish in 2 of the best Andhra restaurants in Bangalore, you are sure that they visit the restaurant during every visit to Bangalore.
A few years back, after a few tips from the chefs in these restaurants and a few attempts at home, I managed to almost recreate this famous "Andhra Chilly Chicken". 

From then on, all my friends who have tasted this once at my place, keep coming back to our place for more.

Thursday 24 May 2012

White Beans in Spicy Garlic seasoned gravy (TingalAvare Bendi in Konkani)

White beans, also known as white navy beans, offer extraordinary health benefits. They are loaded with antioxidants and provide a good supply of detoxifying molybdenum. They are also a good source of fiber and protein and rank low on the glycemic index. They help regulate fat storage in the body. What's more, white beans deliver a good supply of magnesium, a mineral with multiple health benefits.
It is also known as "TingaLavare" in Konkani and Kannada.
Here is a konkani delicacy made from White beans called

"TingaLavare Bendi".
Since "Bendi" is a spicy dish in konkani cuisine, i have used lot of red chillies to get the authentic taste.
However, you can alter the number of red chillies according to your palate.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Sprouted Moong Bean Salad

Here is a simple salad from Sprouted Moong Beans which I normally make as an evening snack when I have kept aside some of the Moong  already sprouted for other dishes.
This salad can be made using ready made sprouts available in Super Markets.

Moong beans, apart from being a good source of protein also contain useful amounts of fibre, potassium, and B-vitamins. They contain low levels of fat, cholesterol and sodium.  It digests slowly and gradually releases glucose into your bloodstream, stabilizing your blood sugar. It is useful for those of us who want to increase their alertness and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy bones and teeth, a fact which makes sprouted seeds desirable for babies and children.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Dal Fry (Seasoned Yellow Lentils - North Indian style)

Lentils can be mixed with things such as rice and other grains for added benefits. Because lentils are high in fiber they can help reduce the risk of coronary disease. Much like corn yellow lentils have a high content of folate and other B vitamins that are essential for the blood stream to help reduce the risk of heart attack and other heart related problems. 
For this dish, Indian Yellow lentil is preferred over those of other origins for its delicious flavor, appetizing color, texture and aroma.

Monday 21 May 2012

Ambe Sasam (Mangoes in Mustard Sauce)

"Ambe Sasam" or Mangoes in Mustard sauce is a delicacy in the coastal region of Karnataka. This dish is served in every function during the mango season. Easy to make and healthy too.

Mangoes are very much beneficial for people suffering from acidity and its enzymes helps to relieve indigestion problems. High level of soluble dietary fiber and Vitamin C present in mangoes helps to lower cholesterol levels. Mangoes are useful to children who lack concentration in studies as it contains Glutamine acid which is good to boost memory and keep cells active. Mango is slowly gaining new acclaim as diabetes fighter. Earlier there was a myth that people with diabetes should not eat mangoes but that’s not true. Not only the fruit the leaves also fight against diabetes. 

Sunday 20 May 2012

Kadai Mushroom

Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years both as food and for medicinal purposes. They are often classified as a vegetable or a herb, but they are actually fungi. Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that helps lower elevated blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. One medium mushroom has even more potassium than a banana or a glass of orange juice.
Mushrooms are a rich source antioxidants that works with vitamin E to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals ie prevent cancer.

Here is a North Indian recipe of Mushrooms which goes well with Rotis or Ghee Rice/Pulao.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Stuffed Capsicum

"Stuffed Capsicum" is a side dish which I have always relished since my Mom used to make it during my childhood days. But from the time my daughter started liking it, its turned from a side dish to a late evening snack.
This dish is not just nutritious but also healthy and filling. Make this my way and I am sure your kids will love it too. The filling or stuffing is mainly potato, and there is hardly anyone who does not like potatoes.
I know lot of children do not like eating vegetables still like potatoes. Potatoes provide the body with an essential source of fuel and energy which all of us need especially children.
Capsicum apart from being good in taste, is rich in nutrients. The vegetable encourages healing and helps the body ward off infections. Capsicum promotes cardiovascular health, by helping lower the blood pressure. The vegetable helps reduce cholesterol and thus, is effective in warding off strokes and heart attacks. It has been seen that capsicum speeds up the metabolism and helps burn more calories. Thus, it is good for those trying to lose weight.

Friday 18 May 2012

Chilly Garlic Bittergourd & Egg plant

Bitter gourds are very low in calories but dense with precious nutrients. It is rich in iron, contains twice the beta-carotene of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach, and twice the potassium of a banana.
Bitter gourd also has some nutrients that are suggested as insulin replacement in some diabetic patients. So try to include bittergourd in your diet as often as you can.
Eggplant is rich in fibre so is very good for our overall health. Eggplant is also an excellent source of digestion-supportive dietary fiber and bone-building manganese.
Here is a very simple recipe which uses Bitter gourd and Egg plant, which is not just tasty but good for health too.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Mackerel Tawa Masala

The mackerel isn't a delicately flavoured fish and its richness doesn't always lend itself well to a simple 'lemon and herbs' pairing. But given the right treatment it is a fantastically moist, flavoursome fish that makes an inexpensive and very healthy meal. 
Mackerel can make your blood fresh, thinner, and prevent heart attacks as its rich in rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Here is a Mackerel dish called " Mackerel Tawa Masala" or "Pan fried Spicy Mackerel" which I not just ate in Mangalore during my trip last month, but also tried it out the next day after a few tips from the restaurant Chef.

Monday 14 May 2012

Oats Idlis

Oats contain more soluble fibre than any other grain, resulting in slower digestion and an extended sensation of fullness. One type of soluble fibre, beta-glucans, has proven to help lower cholesterol.
Oats are high in fiber and a good carbohydrate source and can serve as a natural treatment for high cholesterol.
Since oats is a very healthy and nutritious food and as breakfast is the most vital meal of the day, the perfect way to start it would be with a bowl of oats.
But although its healthy its not really tasty.
So I made this Oats Idlis which is not just healthy but also tasted like rice idlis.
When served with Chutney or Sambhar, you would never even know the difference.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Stumbler (Scrambled Eggs over Roasted Bread Bites)

"Stumbler" or "Scrumbler" is nothing but scrambled eggs over roasted bread bites.
This is a very popular dish which is a complete meal in itself, in most parts of Mangalore and surrounding areas.
I had completely forgotten about this recipe, until last week when a friend of mine reminded me about how we all used to love this during our childhood days.
Even today if you pass through certain areas in Mangalore, 
all you can hear is "One plate Stumbler please....."
I made this today and my daughter who does not really like scrambled eggs, loved this cause of the crispy bread in it.
Try this am sure you'll love it too....!

Saturday 12 May 2012

Moonga Ambat (Sprouted green gram in Onion Seasoned gravy)

Moong beans, apart from being a good source of protein also contain useful amounts of fibre, potassium, and B-vitamins. They contain low levels of fat, cholesterol and sodium.  It digests slowly and gradually releases glucose into your bloodstream, stabilizing your blood sugar. It is useful for those of us who want to increase their alertness and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy bones and teeth, a fact which makes sprouted seeds desirable for babies and children.

Sprouting is the practice of soaking, draining and then rinsing seeds at regular intervals until they germinate, or sprout.
Sprouting helps to reduce the acid-alkaline imbalance which might occur when grains, legumes, and other proteins are used. 
Here is one of the recipes made from "Sprouted Moong beans" which is very tasty as well as healthy.

The process of Sprouting and then de-skinning is given below:
1. Soak the Moong beans overnight in a big vessel full of water.
2. Next morning drain the Moong in a colander and allow to sit for 8 hrs or until evening.
3. You will notice that the Moong beans are sprouting. If its not yet sprouted continue to keep it on the colander for another 8 hrs or overnight.
4. Now put all the sprouted Moong beans back in the big vessel and fill it with fresh water and keep the vessel covered.
5. Now after 2 hrs u will notice that most of the green skin has come to the top of the water and the sprouted beans have moved to the bottom of the vessel.
6. Remove and discard the green skin.
7. Mix the sprouts in the vessel with your hand, once in few minutes to allow the skin to come on top.
8. Repeat the process till all or most of the skin has been removed and you get white sprouts.

Boiling the Sprouts:
Since the sprouts boil relatively fast, care should be taken. 
1. Put the sprouts in a vessel with water. Mix salt.
2. Keep the vessel in the cooker and when first whistle occurs put on simmer.
3. Switch off the gas within the next 2 mins else the beans will get mashed.
4. Allow the cooker to cool for 15 mins before u open the cooker.
5. Use as desired.

I normally soak around 250 gms of Moong bean at a time, and sprout it and make atleast 2 different dishes with it. Each dish serving 3 people.
Sprouted Moong dal can be kept in sealed air tight box and stored in refrigerator for upto 1 week.

This side dish is one of our favorites.

Friday 11 May 2012

Kulitha Saaru (Horsegram Rasam Mangalore style)

Horsegram is one of the lesser known beans. It is consumed as a whole seed, as sprouts, or as whole meal by a large population in rural areas of southern India.
Horse Gram is a plant that produces a lentil related crop that has many health benefits.
Horse Gram is full of great antioxidants and also hemagluttinin, which is found in antibodies, and other immune factors and contains a lot of polyphenols. Thus Horse Gram boosts your immune system helping you to ward off disease and have vitality.

This is a very old recipe which my Mom learnt from our neighbor and a very good friend in Mangalore.
I made this for my family and they loved it so thought of putting it on my blog.
Am sure you'll love it too. 

Thursday 10 May 2012

Raaja Gobboru (Mackerel in Rustic gravy)

Mackerel is an oily type of coldwater fish that can be eaten canned or fresh. It is enjoyed by many people and known especially for its nutritional benefits, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
This Mackerel curry is a rustic village recipe which my great grandmother who lived in Kerala used to make. She used a traditional hand mortar to make the masala, and cooked it in earthern pot which made it even more tasty.
I have eaten and loved this during my childhood but somehow it was out of our memory from a long time.
During my recent visit to Mangalore/Kerala, I managed to ask my aunt, grand aunt and Mom and with their part of partial recipes I managed to recreate it, just the way my Great GrandMom would cook. 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Orange Strawberry Crush

Delicious and juicy orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being. The fruit is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but is rich in dietary fiber, pectin, which is very effective in persons with excess body weight.
One cup of strawberries contains only 43 calories. The dietary fiber in strawberries helps to keep digestion regular, as well as lowers blood pressure and curbs overeating. 

Both fruits are high in Vitamin C, an effective antioxidant that can help lower blood pressure, ensure a healthy immune system
I have used both Oranges and Strawberries in this recipe, so its very healthy.
A perfect drink for summer, its very simple to make, and semi frozen so kids will love eating this even if they dont like eating fruits.
A healthy and colorful drink which will make your kids come back for more.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate is one of the most favorite food and flavour across the world. Studies show that eating chocolate, primarily dark chocolate, may contribute to improved cardiovascular health. Packed with natural antioxidants, dark chocolate and cocoa are as good as green tea and blueberries. Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. 
I have made this mousse after trying out several recipes and making my own modifications. Now a big favorite at home especially with my daughter. Hence, I am sharing this with everyone who loves chocolate, very easy to make and takes just 10-15 mins for preparation.
This dessert is a good party dessert, since its easy to make and can be made upto 8-10 hrs prior to the party.
Also since its served in separate glasses or bowls, serving is also easy and mess free.

Monday 7 May 2012

Green Mango Chutney

Green Mango is full of lots of vitamin C, and they are great for warding off anemia and for increasing the integrity of blood vessels.
Here is the Konkani/Manglorean version of Green Mango Chutney which can be served with dosas as well as rice and dal.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Strawberry Lemonade

Strawberry is a wonder fruit. It is rich in antioxidants and helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer and also helps in delaying aging. Strawberries are also rich in vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. During the season when strawberries are widely available, make a point to include it as a part of your daily food intake considering the enormous health benefits that the strawberries have.
Lemon-juice is a powerful antibacterial. It has been proved by experiments that the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases are destroyed in lemon-juice. It also contains some vitamin A. Natural vitamin C is much more effective than the synthetic one. Lemon-juice prevents or restrains influenza, malaria and cold.
Here is a healthy mix of Strawberries and lemon juice.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Mirchi Bajji (Green Chilly Fritters)

Everytime it rains in the evenings, the first thing that comes to my mind is a hot cup of tea/coffee with some yummy fritters.
I have a big list of "Rainy Evening Snacks", I would say "Mirchi bajji or Green Chilly Fritters" is my favourite...
The speciality of this preparation is that although it sounds spicy, its isn't. My little one loves it , Am sure yours will love it too, just make it my way.

Friday 4 May 2012

Punjabi Chole (Chickpeas curry - North Indian/Punjabi Style)

"Punjabi Chole" or "Chana Masala" is a very popular side dish in North Indian cuisine.
Chickpeas or  Garbanzo beans or Chana, provide an excellent source of of protein, as well as minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium. As a good source of fiber, garbanzo beans can help lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels. This makes them a great food especially for diabetics and insulin-resistant individuals. 
This "Chole" is best eaten with Puris or Jeera Rice and also used as an evening snack in "Aloo Tikki Chole".

Thursday 3 May 2012

Garlic Chutney (Konkani Style)

Garlic has many health benefits, such as treating allergies, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and toothaches.
This version of Garlic Chutney is the Mangalore Konkani version which uses fresh or desiccated coconut.
This chutney is a very good accompaniment with dosas and chapatis.

It can also be used as a side dish with rice and dal/rasam.
And tastes good as a sandwich spread too.
If the coconut and garlic are roasted well before preparation it can last for a few days without refrigeration and hence can be used during long journeys.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Kadgi Ghashi (Raw Jackfruit in Garlic Seasoned Gravy)

"Jackfruit" also known as "Kadgi" in Konkani is a very popular vegetable in Coastal Karnataka.
Jackfruit is an aromatic, fleshy fruit renowned for its delicious taste. When unripe its flesh is green, and it can be cooked in various ways. Jackfruit has many health benefits, the main benefit being its high potassium content which is helpful in lowering blood pressure. Its also high in Vitamin C. Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
Here is a very simple jackfruit dish.