
Saturday 12 May 2012

Moonga Ambat (Sprouted green gram in Onion Seasoned gravy)

Moong beans, apart from being a good source of protein also contain useful amounts of fibre, potassium, and B-vitamins. They contain low levels of fat, cholesterol and sodium.  It digests slowly and gradually releases glucose into your bloodstream, stabilizing your blood sugar. It is useful for those of us who want to increase their alertness and mental abilities. Phosphorous is also necessary for healthy bones and teeth, a fact which makes sprouted seeds desirable for babies and children.

Sprouting is the practice of soaking, draining and then rinsing seeds at regular intervals until they germinate, or sprout.
Sprouting helps to reduce the acid-alkaline imbalance which might occur when grains, legumes, and other proteins are used. 
Here is one of the recipes made from "Sprouted Moong beans" which is very tasty as well as healthy.

The process of Sprouting and then de-skinning is given below:
1. Soak the Moong beans overnight in a big vessel full of water.
2. Next morning drain the Moong in a colander and allow to sit for 8 hrs or until evening.
3. You will notice that the Moong beans are sprouting. If its not yet sprouted continue to keep it on the colander for another 8 hrs or overnight.
4. Now put all the sprouted Moong beans back in the big vessel and fill it with fresh water and keep the vessel covered.
5. Now after 2 hrs u will notice that most of the green skin has come to the top of the water and the sprouted beans have moved to the bottom of the vessel.
6. Remove and discard the green skin.
7. Mix the sprouts in the vessel with your hand, once in few minutes to allow the skin to come on top.
8. Repeat the process till all or most of the skin has been removed and you get white sprouts.

Boiling the Sprouts:
Since the sprouts boil relatively fast, care should be taken. 
1. Put the sprouts in a vessel with water. Mix salt.
2. Keep the vessel in the cooker and when first whistle occurs put on simmer.
3. Switch off the gas within the next 2 mins else the beans will get mashed.
4. Allow the cooker to cool for 15 mins before u open the cooker.
5. Use as desired.

I normally soak around 250 gms of Moong bean at a time, and sprout it and make atleast 2 different dishes with it. Each dish serving 3 people.
Sprouted Moong dal can be kept in sealed air tight box and stored in refrigerator for upto 1 week.

This side dish is one of our favorites.

Serves 4
Moong Bean - 250 gms

Coconut fresh/desiccated - 1 cup
Fried Dry red chillies - 2
Tamarind - 1 small piece

For seasoning:
Oil - 2 tsp
Onion - 1 large - finely chopped

Sprout and de-skin and boil the Moong beans using the above method.

Grind coconut, fried dry red chillies and tamarind to a smooth paste with 1-2 cups water.
Now put the ground paste in a big vessel along with the boiled Moong and bring to boil.
Take a seasoning pan, keep on low heat, add oil, fry the onions till golden brown and pour over the boiling curry.
Serve hot with rice.

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