
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Panpolo or Neer Dosa (Rice n water Pancakes)

These pancakes known as "Panpolo" in Konkani and "Neer Dosa" in Tulu and Kannada, is a very popular pancake which is made not just for breakfast but also served for lunch and/or dinner.
The easiest to make pancakes and super soft too.
When made for breakfast they can be eaten with "Coconut chutney" , "Coconut Ginger Chutney", "Onion chutney" or even "Hinga Mirsang".
For people who have a sweet tooth, it can be served with "Godda Pankh" better known as "Jaggery pulp" and also with " Narla Rosu" or "Seasoned sweetened coconut milk". 
For lunch/dinner these dosas or pancakes can be served with "Kori Ghasi/Kundapur chicken curry", or "Poo's fav Lamb curry" or even with "Goan prawn curry".
Whatever the side dish, these pancakes goes almost with all of them.
These pancakes are loved by children when served with Ghee, cause they are really soft and melt in the mouth.
These pancakes have 2 variations. One with rice and coconut for super soft pancakes.
and varation 2, which is made using only rice and water , where you will make crispier paper like dosas.
The panpolo are generally soft and white, but I make crispier brown versions since my daughter likes them that way.

Serves 3 - Around 12-15 pancakes in total ie 4 per person
Ingredients :
Rice - 1 cup
Coconut - 1 cup ( For variation 1 only )

Method :
Variation 1 : Soak rice for atleast 2 hrs. Grind along with grated coconut to form smooth paste.
Variation 2 : Soak rice for atleast 2 hrs. Grind with water to a smooth paste.
Batter consistency should be thin like that of soup or juice( not regular batter like dosa).

Now take a griddle or tawa, keep on high heat till almost smoky.
Pour the batter on the tawa with a laddle, ( do not touch the tawa while pouring)
The pancake or dosa will take its own shape as shown below.

Now wait till it cooks well on the top.
Now fold the dosa into half using the spatula and then remove it from the tawa.
If you are using normal tawa you will need to put ghee/oil on all sides and then remove the dosa/pancake.
If you are using non-stick or anodized tawa, the dosa can be removed without ghee or oil.

I have served here with "Hinga Mirsang" and "Onion Chutney"


  1. huh, that's it? I've never got this right! :-)

  2. Hello Sandy, Please follow the exact steps mentioned in my recipe, am sure you will get it right this time.
