
Saturday 2 July 2016

Dish #431 - Lychee Lemonade

Bangalore is pretty chill now due to monsoons...but its summer in most countries.....with very high temperatures...
Here is wonderful drink made using lychees... At this time of the year fresh lychees are available everywhere...but you could even canned lychees...


Lychees - peeled and seed discarded - 10
Lemon - 1/2 - juiced
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Water - 2 cups
Mint n lemon wedges - for garnish
Ice cubes - as desired


In a liquidizer put the lychees, lemon juice, sugar and water and liquidize for about 5-10 minutes till they are well combined and smooth.

Serve chilled garnished with Mint leaves and lemon wedges.

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