
Thursday 12 September 2013

"Cabbage Upkari" - A Konkani side-dish

"Cabbage Upkari" is a simple konkani side-dish that goes well with rice and dalithoy.
A side-dish which is extremely easy to make and very tasty...My family loves it...
especially my daughter... Infact when my daughter was very small around 3 yrs, she did not know how to express her love for this dish ...
so she would say "Mamma I love this dish 150 kms.."..."kilometer" was the first unit of measurement she had learnt as a child since we do a lot of driving holidays.....
Now coming to the health benefits....
the inexpensive, humble and widely used cabbage can work miracles....
Cabbage is an abundant source of Vitamin C. It is actually richer in vitamin C than oranges, which is traditionally considered the “best” source of that vital nutrient. Vitamin C, as one of the best antioxidants, reduces free radicals in your body that are one of the fundamental causes of premature aging. It also helps in repairing the wear and tear on the body through the course of your life. Therefore, cabbage is very helpful in treating ulcers, certain cancers, depression, immune system boosting, and defending against cough and cold.
Cabbage is extremely low in calories so is good for a weight loss diet.
Raw cabbage in the form of a Cabbage salad is even more healthier than cooked cabbage...
But for those who like cooked cabbage here is a beautiful side-dish.

Serves 4
Cabbage - 1 - around 250 gms
Onion - 2 - medium sized
Oil - 1 tsp
Dry red chilly - 2 - cut into bits
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Salt to taste

Wash the cabbage well, and chop finely. Keep aside.
Cut the onions into thin slices.
Now take a large heavy bottomed pan, keep on medium heat, add oil, once hot add the mustard seeds and allow to crackle, then add the dry red chillies and fry for 20 seconds.
Now add in the sliced onions and fry till onions turn translucent. Keep stirring continously while frying the onions. Then lower the heat, add the chopped cabbage and the salt and stir fry till cabbage is done. Do not add water, but incase you feel there is a chance of the cabbage burning, then just sprinkle a few drops of water and continue stir frying.
Since cabbage has high content of water in it, there is very less possibility of the cabbage getting burnt. But remember to keep stirring every few minutes.
Switch off the heat when done.
Serve hot with Rice and Dalithoy.

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