
Tuesday 12 March 2013

"Thori ani Kadgi Bendhi" - A Konkani delicacy

"Jackfruit" also known as "Kadgi" in Konkani is a very popular vegetable in Coastal Karnataka.
Jackfruit is an aromatic, fleshy fruit renowned for its delicious taste. When unripe its flesh is green, and it can be cooked in various ways. Jackfruit has many health benefits, the main benefit being its high potassium content which is helpful in lowering blood pressure. Its also high in Vitamin C. Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.

Black beans is another magical legume with the perfect balance of protein and fiber and has amazing health benefits for the digestive tract, the blood sugar regulatory system, and the cardiovascular system.
Here is a Konkani side dish made from black beans and raw jackfruit dish that goes well with rice as well as "Panpolo" or Neer Dosa.
This dish is called "Bendhi" since its a spicier version of the regular "Ghashi". But if you do not like spicy food you could use lesser chillies like in the ghashi.
Either versions taste great!!

Serves 3
Ingredients :
Jackfruit raw (green) - 1/2 kg/ 500 gms
Black beans - 1/2 cup - soaked for 4 hours
Coconut - 1/2 grated or 1 cup coconut milk
Dry red chillies - 8 to 20 ( depending on your palate)
tamarind - 1 small piece

For seasoning :
Oil - 1tsp
Garlic - 8 cloves - crushed lightly along with skin
Method :
Cut the jackfruit into big pieces with a sharp knife, then remove the skin, wash and boil in cooker along with the black beans for about 15-20 mins.
 Roast the red chillies. Grind them along with coconut, tamarind and 1 cup water to form a smooth paste.
If you are using coconut milk you could use it directly and use red chilli paste and tamarind paste.
Now take a heavy bottomed pan, add the ground paste, 1 cup water and the boiled jackfruit and black beans and bring to boil.
Now keep a seasoning pan on the other stove, add the oil and fry the crushed garlic till golden.
Now pour over the boiling curry.
Serve hot with steaming rice or Ponpolo or Neer Dosa.

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