
Saturday 30 March 2013

Tomato Basil Fusilli with Cheese

Fusilli are long, thick, corkscrew shaped pasta. The word fusilli presumably comes from fuso, as traditionally it is "spun" by pressing and rolling a small rod over each thin strips of pasta to wind them around it in a corkscrew shape, much like a modern Turkish spindle.
Here is a simple recipe for making Fusilli pasta.
If you do not like Fusilli you could use toss any other pasta like Spaghetti, Penne or Farfalle into this Tomato Basil sauce.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

"Paneer Butter Masala" or Cottage Cheese in Creamy Tomato Gravy

"Paneer Butter Masala" is probably the most popular vegetarian dish from North Indian/Punjabi cuisine. This dish is basically cottage cheese bites in creamy tomato gravy.
A dish we all love!
Very easy to  make and needs no fancy ingredients. 
Cook this at home and am sure you will cook it often at home, without wanting to order it in a restaurant!
This dish is a big hit with kids due to its creamy and its very mildly spiced gravy.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Fresh Cantaloupe Summer Pudding or "Chibbada Hasale" in Konkani

A lovely and refreshing easy to make summer pudding or sweet dish is the famous "Chibbada Hasale" of the Konkani community.
Its made using fresh Cantaloupe or Muskmelon which is found in abundance in summer.
A cantaloupe is a type of melon that belongs to the cucumber family. Cantaloupes can have a light yellow-orange color or a deeper salmon hue. Known for its low calorie content and sweet and enticing aroma, cantaloupes are the most popular kind of melons in the US.
Cantaloupes are usually best during the summer months.
Cantaloupes are a great source of Vitamin A, Beta-Carotene and Vitamin C. It promotes the health of our lungs, prevents cardiovascular diseases and reduces stress.
Cantaloupe is the ideal fruit to eat when you are feeling anxious and stressed. Cantaloupe is rich in potassium which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain. As a result, you feel more relaxed and focused.
Easy to make a perfect dessert to beat the summer heat...!!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Belado Prawns - An Indonesian delicacy

Belado prawns is a Indonesian prawn starter, usually made with fresh prawns and a bean called "Petai".
This bean is also called smelly beans since its really very smelly.
This bean is available in most super markets as fresh/canned, and also in Russel market in Bangalore, but since we do not like the smell I have not used it here.
Easy to make and yummy... Try making it...Am sure you will love it...

Friday 22 March 2013

Chilly Garlic Gherkins or "Tendli thalasani" in Konkani

"Tendli" or Gherkins or Ivy gourd is a very common vegetable.
It contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and potassium. It also helps purify blood tissue, enhances digestion, and stimulates the liver.
In Konkani cuisine we make different dishes with this vegetable, and it is most famous use in in "Bibbe Upkari" or Raw Cashewnut Stir Fry.
Today I made "Tendli Thalasani" which is nothing but Stir fried Tendli or Gherkins, using dry red chillies and garlic.
This dish is a great accompaniment with rice and dalithoi, and is the perfect example of a simply but tasty meal.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Lemony Lamb n Peppers

Today I made a lamb starter, which is another dish inspired by South East Asian cuisine.
I had some boneless lamb/mutton pieces and thought of trying something new.
A yellow pepper/capsicum adds that little sweetness to the fiery red chillies and the lemon juice brings out the best of both these flavors.
And for the crunch you have the roasted peanuts.
All put together a truly lovely starter.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken is the most popular Indian Chicken dish in the entire world, next to Butter Chicken.
This dish is an all time favorite of not just Indians but all people fond of good food.
The traditional and authentic way of making this dish is by using a clay oven called "Tandoor" in which the chicken is grilled.
But you can also grill on a charcoal grill/outdoor barbeque or even on a Gas Grill or Electric Oven.
The marinade is very easy to make.... and the grilled Tandoori chicken is just mouth watering.

Chikoo Milkshake

Chikoo is called so in India and Pakistan. But did you know that this cute-sounding fruit is known different names like noseberry sapodilla plum, chico sapote etc.
Botanically it is known as "manilkara zapota". This fruit is quite cheap and everyone can afford to eat it. Here are some health benefits of chikoo.
Chikoo is quite sweet in taste because it contains abundant qualities of fructose and sucrose, hence is a natural energy boosting food.
It contains a good source of dietary fibre and therefore acts as a good remedy to curb constipation. It also helps in protecting the mucous membrane of the colon from cancer causing toxins.
The anti-inflammatory effects properties of chikoo is beneficial for problems like gastritis and bowel disorders.
Ripened chikoo contains minerals like iron, potassium, copper and vitamins A and C and others like niacin, folate, etc. Thus they help in boosting immunity besides good skin and hair.
Chikoo contains tannin, a poly phenolic compound, which contains anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties.
A healthy and filling and refreshing drink for summer, is the Chikoo Milkshake.

"Idli Usli" - A Konkani Breakfast or Seasoned Idli crumbs

When you make "Idli"  for breakfast on one day, I have often noticed that nobody wants to eat the leftover idlis the next day. Here is a simple yet different breakfast dish with the same leftover "Idlis", which is not just easy to make, but yummy too!!
Ofcourse I know some people, who make this dish with fresh idlis too, so the choice is yours.
The version I made today is a bit South Indian as I am using mustard seeds, urad dal etc.
You could also use Jeera and Garam masala powder to get a North Indian taste.
Either ways this dish tastes great!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Lotus Root in Oyster Sauce

Crunchy, delicate flavored lotus root is an under-water edible rhizome of lotus plant. Since centuries, the lotus rhizome has held high esteem in oriental regions, especially in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Almost all the parts of the plant: root, young flower stalks, and seeds are being used in the cuisine.
The edible part of the Lotus root is sometimes called as "Lotus Stem" and known as Kamal kakri, Kamal kakdi, Bhein or Bheen in India.
The rhizomes grow underwater in mud. They are actually modified tubers storing energy in the form of starch. The rhizome develops into sausage-like three to five jointed nodes of about 2-4 feet length. Each rhizome segment features smooth, grey-white color and measure about 10-20 cm in length, 6-10 cm in diameter. Internally, the root has white, crunchy flesh with mild sweet, water chestnut like flavor. The cut sections reveal visually appealing display of symmetrically arranged air canals (holes) traversing along the length of the root.
Lotus rhizome is a very good source dietary fibers.
Lotus root is one of the excellent sources of vitamin C.
Further, the root provides healthy amounts of some important minerals like copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, and manganese.
The crunchy, sweet yet delicate flavor of root lotus is because of its optimum electrolyte balance.

Although Lotus root is widely used in Chinese/Japanese cuisine, there are lot of Indian delicacies too made with this root.
Today however, I made a Chinese dish with my own instincts and the ingredients which I had in my kitchen, 
and called it "Lotus Root in Oyster sauce".
We all loved it, and I'm sure you will love it too!!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

"Thori ani Kadgi Bendhi" - A Konkani delicacy

"Jackfruit" also known as "Kadgi" in Konkani is a very popular vegetable in Coastal Karnataka.
Jackfruit is an aromatic, fleshy fruit renowned for its delicious taste. When unripe its flesh is green, and it can be cooked in various ways. Jackfruit has many health benefits, the main benefit being its high potassium content which is helpful in lowering blood pressure. Its also high in Vitamin C. Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.

Black beans is another magical legume with the perfect balance of protein and fiber and has amazing health benefits for the digestive tract, the blood sugar regulatory system, and the cardiovascular system.
Here is a Konkani side dish made from black beans and raw jackfruit dish that goes well with rice as well as "Panpolo" or Neer Dosa.
This dish is called "Bendhi" since its a spicier version of the regular "Ghashi". But if you do not like spicy food you could use lesser chillies like in the ghashi.
Either versions taste great!!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Baby corn Chilly - Chinese Style

Baby corn Chilly is another lovely Chinese starter....
Very simple to make and yet very tasty...
Baby corn is easily available in all vegetable shops these days and that too throughout the year, so this is one starter which you could make quickly and enjoy anytime...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Lavash served with Red Capsicum and Walnut Dip

Lavash is a soft, thin flat bread popular in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and the Caucasus.
Lavash is made with flour, water, and salt. The thickness of the bread varies and depends on how thin it's rolled out. Toasted sesame seeds and/or poppy seeds can be sprinkled on before baking.
There is a soft variation like chapatis and used to make rolls and sandwiches, and another hard version like chips/crackers.
I often make these hard Lavash crackers as a subsitute for chips since they are baked.
I personally love to have chips with a dip, and one of the healthiest lebanese dips is the "Red Capsicum and Walnut Dip". 

Red Capsicum and Walnut Dip - A Lebanese Dip

Eating Chips or crackers is incomplete without a Dip.
Here is a healthy and tasty Lebanese Dip that goes well with any kind of crackers especially Lavash.
It also goes well with Toasted Pita bread.
Simple to make and very healthy too.
Both Red peppers or Red Capsicum and Walnuts are very good for our health.
Red peppers contain almost 300 percent of your daily vitamin C intake.
Red bell peppers are a great source of vitamin B6 and magnesium.
Red bell peppers are packed with antioxidants.
Burn more calories with red bell peppers.Walnuts are revered since ancient times as a symbol of intellectuality, since their kernels have convoluted surface inside the shell resembling as that of brain! The nuts are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients, especially Ω-3 fatty acids that are essential for optimum health. The nuts are rich source of energy and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
Here is a simple lebanese Dip which you will love.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Bread Pakoda - An Indian Street Food

Another famous Indian Street food is the "Bread Pakoda".
You will find this snack in almost all snack bars, food joints and road side shacks in Mumbai and Delhi.
Simple to make and yummy too..!!
I would call it comfort food or food for indulgence as it involves deep frying, but once in awhile its allowed...
Isn't it ?

Sunday 3 March 2013

Crumb Fried Red Snapper with Grilled Baby Potatoes

 A complete meal ...Crumb fried Red Snapper with Grilled baby potatoes....
You could use Salmon fillets instead of Red snapper....its equally good...