Saturday 16 February 2013

Celebrating 1 year of my Blog with "Kulfi" - Traditional Indian Ice Cream


Kulfi is a popular frozen dairy dessert from the Indian Subcontinent. It is often described as "traditional Indian Subcontinent ice-cream".
It is popular throughout countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), and even the Middle East. Kulfi is also widely available in most Indian restaurants in Europe, East Asia and North America.
Here is a fuss free, easy recipe to make Kulfi at home.
If you dont have kulfi moulds, you could use long steel glasses are even small steeel bowls.
No matter what the shape of the kulfi is, kulfi is always delicious.

Makes 4

Milk - 2 1/2 cups 
Condensed milk - 1/2 cup 
Milk powder - 1/4 cup 
Cardamom (elaichi) powder - 1/2 tsp 
Dry fruits like Almonds or Pistachios - roasted and cut into bits ( Optional)

Combine all the ingredients together and bring to a boil. Add the cardamom powder.
Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or until the mixture thickens. Cool completely.
Pour into kulfi moulds and freeze overnight till firm.
To unmould, allow the moulds to remain outside the refrigerator for 5 minutes and then unmould by inserting a wooden skewer, stick or a fork, in the centre of the kulfi and pulling it out.
You could also dip the kulfi moulds in warm water for a few seconds, the kulfi comes out automatically.


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