
Monday 12 November 2012

Sweet Diamond Cuts or "Biscuit Tukdi" in Konkani

"Biscuit Tukdi" or "Sweet Diamond cuts" is a deep fried snack that is made during festivals like "Diwali" or "Deepavali".
This is snack which can be stored for a few days in air-tight containers.
This snack is very popular in the Konkani and Maharashtrian community.
Easy to make and very delicious!
During my childhood my paternal grand mother used to make this quite often.
I learnt this dish from my aunt.

Ghee/Clarified butter - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Maida - as required
Oil - for deep frying

Take a large bowl, add the water and sugar, and allow the sugar to dissolve.
Once its dissolved add the ghee and mix well.
Now start adding maida, till you are able to make a thick chapati like dough.
The dough is ready when it no longer sticks to your hand.
Now divide the dought into 7 equal portions and keep aside for 10 minutes.

Now roll the dough into 1 inch thick circles, and cut using the diamond cutter.

Now take a deep frying pan, add oil, and fry the diamond cuts on low heat, till well done and crisp.
Remove when lightly brown biscuit color.
Drain on absorbent paper.
It is so tasty that you will not know when to stop eating. 


  1. My son said it is too sweet and buttery. So I have to make again with reduced ghee and sugar.

    1. Dear Sonia ! nice to know that you tried my dish. The sweetness depends on one's palate. And you may have incorporated lesser amount of maida into it. This is the exact measurement given by my paternal grandmom and is the authentic way they used to make it in their times. Depending on your palate you could modify the recipe as per your liking.
