
Saturday 3 November 2012

Pomfret Rachedo/Stuffed Pomfret - A Goan delicacy

The most rejuvenating time for me is a walk on the beach, and better still if this walk is followed by some freshly cooked seafood.
Pomfret Racheado is one such Goan delicacy that is perfect to be eaten in the the cooler months of the year since the pomfret fish is a little heavy so generally not eaten in peak summer months...!
This Goan starter is Portuguese inspired.
For me this is a meal in itself as I could gorge on 2-3 pomfrets all alone with a salad on the side, but its mainly served as a starter in most Goan food joints/shacks.

Pomfrets - 3
For marination:
Garlic cloves - 12
Ginger chopped - 1 inch
Cumin seeds - 1 tbsp
Tamarind Pieces - 1 big piece or Kokum juice - 2 tbsp
Cinnamon sticks - 2 inch piece
Peppercorn - 8
Green Cardamoms - 3
Red Kashmiri Chiles - 7
Cloves - 5
Turmeric - 2 tsp
Sugar - 1 tbsp (Optional - but goan's like it a bit sweetish)
White Vinegar - 9 tbsp or Lemon juice - 5 tbsp
Salt to taste
For frying:

Semolina - 4 tbsp
Rice flour - 2 tbsp
Oil to fry - 5 tbsp

Clean the pomfrets.
Grind all the ingredients under the heading "For marination", into a smooth paste.
Now stuff the pomfrets with this paste, and also apply the ground paste to all sides of the pomfret.
Allow to marinate for atleast 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Take a heavy bottomed shallow frying pan, add oil, keep on medium heat, apply semolina and rice flour evenly to all sides of the pomfret and shallow fry till well done.
You could also fry them till crispy.
Serve hot with onion rings and lemon slices.

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