
Thursday 29 November 2012

"Batato ani Tomate Alle Piyave Ghashi" in Konkani or Potatoes n Tomatoes in Ginger Onion Gravy

This is a simple side-dish for rice which also doubles up as an accompaniment for Dosas or Indian Pancakes.
Its very easy to make and quick, this dish is typically made with potatoes and tomatoes, but you could use other vegetables of your choice.
Tomatoes are often considered a vegetable, though in actuality they are a citrus fruit. Tomatoes are an incredibly versatile food. They are delicious eaten raw, in salads or on sandwiches, and take on a wonderful sweetness when cooked.Numerous studies have concluded that the more tomatoes people eat the lower their risks of certain cancers, especially lung, stomach and prostate cancers. Tomatoes contain important nutrients, such as niacin, folate and vitamin B6, that have associated with the reduction of heart disease risk.
Potatoes as a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber.Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity.
But make sure you eat boiled potatoes or plain grilled or roasted potatoes.
Unfortunately, most people eat potatoes in the form of greasy French fries or potato chips, and even baked potatoes are typically loaded down with fats such as butter, sour cream, melted cheese and bacon bits.
So remember eating boiled potatoes is the best.
Try making this simple side-dish which has both the potato and tomato.

Serves 3
Potato - 2 - cut into cubes

Tomato - 2 - cut into cubes
Coconut - grated - fresh/desiccated - 1/2 cup
Roasted Dry red chilly - 4 for medium hot, and 8 for really spicy curry
Tamarind - 1 small piece
Onion - 1 - chopped
Green chilly - 1/2 for medium hot , 2 for really spicy curry
Ginger - 1/2 inch piece
Water - 1/2 cup
Coconut oil - 1 tsp (Optional)
Salt to taste

Wet grind the grated coconut, roasted dry red chilies and tamarind along with 1/2 cup water to semi smooth paste, now add the green chilies, ginger and half the quantity of onion and grind further to a really smooth paste.

Now take a heavy bottomed vessel, keep on low heat, add the ground paste and salt, mix well, now put the potatoes and tomatoes and the remaining onions into this gravy slowly, bring to boil on low heat.
Smear a few drops of coconut oil just before switching off the heat.
Serve hot with steaming white rice.

This also goes well as an accompaniment with Dosa.

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