
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Black eyed peas in Chilly Garlic broth or "Alasande Bea Saarupkari" in Konkani

Black eyed pea also called as cowpeas, lobia or lobiya or chawli in Hindi, bobbarlu in Telugu. It is small soft textured oval creamy white bean with a black eye. This bean is available as fresh or dried bean and can be used for preparing soups and many side dishes. It is an excellent source of fiber, folate and a good source of iron and has various health benefits as well as important vitamins and minerals.
It is known as "Alasande Bee" in Konkani as it is one of the most commonly cooked beans in the Konkani community.
The bean when lightly overcooked becomes soft and mushy and makes a good broth.
This dish is one of the easiest side dishes to make, and probably would be one of the first dishes someone would learn to cook.
This dish is like a bean broth which is seasoned with roasted dry red chilly and garlic.
Very simple to make and yet so delicious!
Its served best with rice but can also be had as a soup on a cold rainy or winter day.
Serves 4
Black eyed peas or Cowpeas or Lobia - 1 cup
Garlic flakes - 10 - crushed along with skin
Dry Red chilly - 5 - cut into 3 or 4 pieces each
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tsp

Wash and boil the beans with 2-3 cups of water in vessel kept in a cooker for about 20 minutes after the 1st whistle.
The bean should be slightly overcooked so that it blends with the water in which it is boiled.
Once all the pressure from the cooker has released, open the cooker, remove the vessel with the beans, and place on a gas stove over medium heat.
Allow to boil slowly adding salt as required.
Now take a seasoning pan, add oil and fry the crushed garlic till golden.

now add the dry red chillies and fry for 1 minute and then pour over boiling peas broth.
Mix well and boil for about 1 minute more so that all the flavors are blended in the broth.
Serve hot with rice or have like a soup.

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