
Monday 20 August 2012

"Sheer Khurma" or Festive Vermicelli Pudding

Sheer khorma or Sheer khurma is a festival vermicelli pudding prepared by Muslims on Eid ul-Fitr in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. It is a traditional Muslim festive breakfast, and a dessert for celebrations. Sheer is Persian for milk and khurma is Persian for dates. This dish is made from dried dates. This special dish is served on the morning of Eid day in the family after the Eid prayer as breakfast, and throughout the day to all the visiting guests. It is very popular in South Asia and the rest of Central Asia.
I have eaten this in some of my friends homes, but never tried making it until today.
However yesterday I spoke to one of my close friend who celebrates Eid and asked her how to make this. She told me the steps on the phone and I made it.
Its truly delicious! 

Serves 8
Dried dates - 12
Warm water - 1/2 lt
Almond paste of 5 almonds 
Very Thin Vermicelli - 100 gms - roasted - I bought the roasted one from the departmental store
Milk - 2 ltr
Green Cardamom - 6
Butter - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 2 cups

Raisins - 5
Almonds - 10 - slivered
Pistachios - 10 - slivered

Wash dates and soak for about 15 minutes in warm water. 
Discard water, pit the dates, slice thinly. Start boiling the milk. Add thinly sliced dates to boiling milk. Also add paste of almonds to the milk.
Now boil the milk, stirring continuously till its reduced and is thick and creamy.
Heat butter in a pan, add crushed cardamoms and fry for 1 min. Add vermicelli to the butter and fry for 2-3 minutes or until it is heated through. Wash raisins and add to the vermicelli. 
Fry another minute.
Now add the fried vermicelli, raisins and cardamom to the boiling milk and allow to boil for 15 minutes. 
Add in the sugar and allow to boil il for another 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat, let cool slightly before transferring to the serving dish. Garnish with slivered almonds and pistachios. Serve warm or chilled, will be equally delicious!!

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