
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Raw Banana Stem Salad or "Gabbe Hashi" in Konkani

Raw Banana Stem Salad or "Gabbe Hashi" is another Konkani delicacy.
Banana stem is a potassium rich food with high fiber content and it has many other amazing health benefits. Most people include banana in their daily diet, but very few know that stem is also nutritive and has numerous health benefits. The stem is usually thrown away once the fruit is cut from the plant. So next time if you happen to find one, think of including it in your menu. Nowadays all Supermarkets have banana stem.
Banana stem is rich in fiber and helps weight loss. Due to rich fibre content, it helps body to feel full faster. The intake of food gets reduced by including banana stem to diet. It can be taken in the form of juice, but eating it as as whole and that too raw provides more benefits. Including it once or twice a week can help people looking for ways to cut down extra pounds.
When you buy Banana stem, peel off the outer 2-3 layers to get the tender stem inside which can be easily eaten raw. Cut the banana stem in round circular slices. Then cut the slices into thin slices. While cutting you can make out the hard pieces to discard.
The banana stem slices get dark as soon as you slice them, to prevent that you could keep them in in turmeric water.

This dish can be eaten both as a salad as well as a side dish with rice and dal.

Serves 2

Banana Stem sliced thinly - 1 cup

Grated or desiccated coconut - 1 handful
Dry Red chilly - 1
Tamarind - 1 tiny piece
Salt - 1 tsp
Green chilly - 1 - finely chopped
Ginger - 1 inch - finely sliced
For seasoning:
Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Dry Red chilly - 1
Curry leaves - 4

This salad is best made with raw banana stem, but if you dont like the raw taste you could add them to boiling hot water for about 2 minutes and then drain and use them.
Grind coconut, red chilly, salt and tamarind to a fine paste using few teaspoons of water.
Now take a large bowl, pour the ground paste into it, now add the banana stem pieces to this bowl.
Add the green chilly pieces and ginger slices on top.
Take a seasoning pan, add oil, keep on medium heat, add mustard seeds, when they crac
kle add red chilly and curry leaves, fry for 30 seconds and pour over the banana stem.
Mix well and serve.

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