
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Chane Upkari (Dark Chickpeas Stir fry)

There are two main kinds of Chickpea:
Desi, which has small, darker seeds and a rough coat, cultivated mostly in the Indian subcontinent, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Iran.
Kabuli, which has lighter coloured, larger seeds and a smoother coat, mainly grown in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chile, also introduced during the 18th century to the Indian subcontinent.
Chickpeas are a helpful source of zinc, folate and protein. They are also very high in dietary fiber and hence a healthy source of carbohydrates for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. Chickpeas are low in fat and most of this is polyunsaturated.
Nutrient profile of desi chana (the smaller variety) is different, especially the fibre content which is much higher than the light coloured variety.
This dish is made using "Black Chana" or the Desi variety.

Serves 3

Ingredients :
Dark Chickpeas or Desi Chana - 100 gms
Dry red chillies - 2
Green chillies - 2
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Coriander leaves chopped - 1 tbsp
Grated coconut fresh/dessicated - 2 tbsp ( Optional)
Olive oil - 1 tbsp

Soak the Chickpeas/Chana overnight in thrice the amount of water.
Next morning, boil the chickpeas along with 1 tsp salt and 1 cup water, in a cooker for about 15 mins after the 1st whistle.
Allow to cool.
Take a heavy bottomed pan, keep on medium heat, add oil, when its slightly hot add the mustard seeds and allow to crackle, now add the red chillies, green chillies and fry for a few seconds. Now add the boiled chickpeas along with the water and boil until water evaporates. Add grated coconut and chopped coriander leaves and mix well.
"Chane Upkari" or Black Chickpeas Stir fry is ready. 

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