
Friday 24 February 2012

Goan Prawn Curry

Goa, my favourite holiday destination, infact Goa is like 2nd home for us...
Love the beaches, the sunsets, the food and most of all the happy-go-lucky nature and the hospitality of the local people.
I enjoy going to Goa as often as possible, stay in different places and experience the local culture and food.

On one such trips, I saw this tiny shack on Colva beach, where a lady was cooking sea food which was not just fresh, but also tasty and clean.
We had s simple meal, Goan prawn curry meal, which had red rice, Goan prawn curry and dry prawn salad called "kismori" which I will post another day.
I somehow managed to get some details abt the Goan prawn curry from that kind lady. 

White prawns - 500 gms
Ginger - 1 inch
Garlic - 6 flakes
Coriander seeds - 1 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Pepper corns - 4
Red Chilli dry - 4
Haldi/Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Cocum syrup /tamarind juice - 2 Tbsp
Coconut grated - 200 gms

Remove shell of prawns, clean, de-vein and wash them well.
Paste 1 : Grind together ginger, garlic, pepper, coriander and cumin to a fine paste.
Paste 2 : Grind and keep coconut and red chillies separately.
Put around 200 ml of water in the cooking vessel.
 Add Paste1, boil till it reduces to 1/2 the quantity.
Then add cocum or tamarind juice, the Paste 2 and prawns and bring to boil.

Goan Prawn curry is ready.
Serve with steaming rice.


  1. why not grind everything together if u plan to boil both pastes together?

  2. Hi Zoyashe, Thanks for your comment.
    The first paste has all raw items and not fried. So its better to put the paste first into water, boil it well to remove the rawness, and reduce to half the quantity, and then put 2nd paste and prawns together. If everything is put together, and then boiled for long the prawn gets overcooked.
    I will be putting up different kinds of prawn curry, so do keep coming back.
    Have a nice day!
